
Müslüm Ejder

Müslüm Ejder

Müslüm Ejder
born 11 December 1977 in Germany Berlin.
With 6 years I started to sit at the computer and until today my passion has not subsided. Started on a Commodore 16 with tape over the Amiga 500, i386 with 40MHz Turbo up to cloud computers has everything one thing in common, they work the way you programming and managed this. I like it to programming and manage every sort of computer and my favorite OS is GNU/Linux.


Planing, Design and Manage Networks & Network services like:
Authentication services, dynamic name services, Directory services, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol services, Mail services, Network File Systems, Web Hosting services, Proxy Services, Firewall Services, and some more.
Write scripts to Administrate Server and Clients.
Some programming Language (HTML,SQL,Basic,C,C++) – not very Professional but enough for my needs.
Linux Kernel configuration and debugging


Microsoft Client and Server Systems Certified
Linux and Microsoft Windows Network Design Certified
Linux Professional Institute Level one Certified
Linux Professional Institute Level two Certified
Siemens AG mosaic System Administrator Certified

Languages i Speak:

German, Turkish, English

Personal Interests:

A Console, Formula 1, Motor GP, soccer, bike.